Carver Teaching Initiative
The Carver Teaching Initiative (CTI) is aimed at recruiting, retaining and supporting underrepresented minorities to pursue STEM teaching careers. As part of this effort, CTI (a) recruits high-achieving, college-bound, high school students; (b) offers paid summer STEM teaching internships (for college freshmen and sophomores); (c) funds full scholarships (for college juniors and seniors); and (d) provides sustained support for beginning STEM teachers.
*This project is supported in part by a Drive Grant from the IUPUI Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number 1758481.
Black Kids Read
Black Kids Read (BKR) is one of the vehicles that we use for translational scholarship. Through Black Kids Read we create science-related books for children of African descent. The Cooperative Children’s Book Center at the University of Wisconsin reports that in 2013, fewer than 3% of children’s books reviewed featured African American protagonists. While this percentage has increased in recent years, we remain committed to creating more children's books that feature African American protagonists, especially those engaged in STEM. To learn more, visit the Black Kids Read bookstore.